Professional Services
We have developed and refined a documentation process called CAO (Custom Add On) that individually addresses each of the integration points and common functions that a company would utilize when implementing their DigitalShipper solution.
Documenting business requirements can be a very daunting task and is often difficult to write for all audiences, technical and non-technical, involved in the project. Our CAO process is a result of working with many companies to integrate shipping solutions and finding the right way to put it all on paper. Each CAO is designed to address the business requirements and explain in non-technical terms how DigitalShipper Enterprise will handle each business rule that is agreed upon by all parties involved.
The CAO can be shared with anyone within your organization or other vendors and you don’t have to worry about someone not understanding what they are reading. We know the challenges that exist between different departments within an organization and this is our simple way of bringing together everyone’s requirements into a single set of managed documents.
The CAO process offers these benefits and more:
- Assess each business requirement to create the best solution
- Reduce business risk associated with miscommunication
- Set the scope and direction of the overall project
- Becomes the roadmap for the development team
- Easily explain and share information about the project to others or new personnel
- Allows you to re-assess the solution to make improvements and adapt to change

Our CAO documents assure you that we understand your current business environment and that we are able to identify key areas of your shipping execution operations for potential improvement. As a result, you are able to make better decisions in less time and realize the identified benefits sooner. By following this process, your company will achieve your goal of making an informed, timely, and cost-effective decision.